Saturday, May 12, 2007

Is that you?

I am intrigued...

I think I've seen you before... Could it be?

I remember those strange dreams and even those that were not. I remember you watching me... Seeing how I was feeling... but standing over there...

Were you waiting for me? Was that what you were waiting for?

I remember I looked at you and I knew I know you... even your name... but couldn't remember...

The strange dreams are over -Did I finally got over it?- so I haven't seen you lately... Are you real now?

I barely know you, but I have a sort of feelings... the peace and calm when I looked at you in my dreams... Is that YOU?

I am intrigued...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey emm pss no podria decir
que haia tenido esos pensamientos
bueno no tan en serio
porque puedo ver a alguien
y qeda encantadoo jaja xD
pero luego se me pasaa jaja xD
asi que no se si veo a alguien
i ia sabia como se iamaba
jaja xD pero buenoo, esta muy linda
la reflexion
cuidate muakssss